Ever annoyed with the internet connection that only upto 64 kbps? It seemed to use GPRS if the speed is only 64 kbps. How to maximize the speed to 64kbps internet connection that is stable and fast? The answer is to use Opera Mini you normally use in HP. Computer itself did not support JavaMIDP2 continue what? The trick is to use the Java software.
Here's how to set Opera Mini on the Computer for fast and efficient Internet bandwidth:
1. First you must download Java programs. You can download it here. Pick the most recent of all versions. Java itself is support for multiple OS such as Linux, Unix, MacOS, and Windows
2. Microemulator software download here. Microemulator used to open the program that later became the Opera Mini browser.
3. Finally, download the Opera Mini 4.2 here. Download the file both JAD and JAR existence.
After that install Java on your computer. Java file size of about 15MB if you want to install it offline. Microemulator.zip extract and move to folder C:\ Program Files\microemulator-2.0.3 and also move the file downloaded Opera Mini (JAR and JAD files) into the folder C:\ Program Files\microemulator 2.0.3apps double-click microemulator.jar. To start surfing the virtual world click File - Open File and choose the JAD operamini.jad mini opera program automatically installed on your computer.
Barriers are very small screen size because of similar appearance on the handphone. If you want opera mini show a maximum of one full screen without breaking click Options - Select device - Add ... - microemulator - devices - microemu-device-resizable.jar - resizable devices - set as the default OK. Done now you can use Opera Mini to the computer monitor with full screen size.
The advantage of using Opera Mini is faster than the Internet connection is also saving bandwidth. This is because the server before being sent Opera in America do confersion pictures and flash. Well, fortunately we are assumed to come from America because we surf behind Opera's own servers.
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